Well well well... Curious about the webmaster, are we?I don't blame you. I am very... mysterious after all. My name is Grim or Erin. Well technically Grim is sort of like my persona, that little black and red haired dude I draw. But It's still a persona of myself so it counts. I use he/him and she/her but If you really wanna make me a happy lad you should refer to me as Lord Grim ;) I don't own any land but you have to agree it sounds very cool.
Drawing is my main hobby, been doing it since I was nine at least. I also partake in painting and clay sculpting as well as writing. I consider myself somewhat of an expert in the macabre and "dark arts" as I like to call it. Fucking love drawing blood, gore, guts, violence and pretty much anything your grandma would have a heart attack over.
Satanism is awesome and I love pissing off christians. Devil worship is my favourite genre of music. :D I also like to indulge myself in some magic. And I'm not talking about your quirky next door girl's "witchcraft" phase either. I'm talking dark magik. Straight up Goetia. Demon summoning for my own benefit and other's misfortune. Do NOT piss me off. I have told several demons about you and they will destroy you if I give them the word. So yeah, watch your word. Peasant.
Outside of my very over-the-top power fantasies... I dream about making games and music. I'd love to be in a band sometime... I play bass but I think I'd make a great frontman. Not very good at singing though. You think there are any bass player frontmen out there that don't sing? ...I don't think so. Games are also my expertise. Love fantasy roleplay games. Witcher, Dragon Age, Baldur's gate etc. Also Doom, Postal, Inscryption, Nekopara (don't tell anyone), Half-life, portal... As fan of indie games, I had a FNAF phase AND an Undertale phase so you know I'm a very healthy, normal person.
And that's pretty much it! Now, I'm sure you have some questions so allow me to answer none of them and make up my own questions instead.
"What made you want to make a website?"
I wanted a permanent space for all my artworks and other fun stuff I create. Neocities seemed like the perfect place to create my own space even though I have no prior programming knowledge. I also love retro web design. I would've made numbers on MySpace if I was around then, I'll tell you that!!
"What will your next project be?"
I'm working on my comic "Nuns With Guns". It's a comic about nuns that fight demons with guns. You'll love it. Um, In case the comic's already finished and I have forgotten to update this question... oops!
"This website is a mess"
>:( I am merely a humble artist... Just wanted to make a cool website. Is that too much to ask..? Also watch your words. My hand is just itching to write to Asmodeous 'bout yo ass
"Favourite colors?"
mmm. 1. Black. 2. Purple. 3. Red. 4. Green. 5. Orange
"Favourite movies?"
Aaahh I love horror movies. Really gory slashers that are a bit corny will always be in my favourites. Also a lot of Creature Features. I love vampires and collect movies about them. I will make a list of all my favourite movies some day but I fear it may be too long. (I have low standards.)
"Low standards? Lol yeah we can tell"
Hey! Not my problem you go watch something and immediately think how bad it objectively is. I will watch my shitty 80s horror movies in peace alright? Also strike two.
"Favourite kind of music?"
My favourite kind of question to get. I love metal. More specifically symphponic, gothic black metal. Heavy riffs and a killer melody... now that's music. I also like your the regular thrash-, doom-, power- and deathmetal. Favourite bands are Cradle Of Filth, Behemoth, Dimmu Borgir, Tristania, Theatre Of Tragedy, Gorgorith and Type O Negative to name a few. But I assure you, the list goes on.
"You sound like a dweeb"
That's it. I'm calling Asmodeus. Burn in hell asshole