Now little of you know this but I love baking! But not really cooking. I will eat microwave cooked mashed potatoes and meatballs and then for dessert I will have a chocolate cake decorated exquisitely. Or that's what I tell myself lol. Take a look!

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Lemon Cheesecake decorated with strawberries.
And with a little cat looking strawberry in the middle :3

Finnish cinnamon rolls, decorated with
blueberries and literal leaves from trees outside.

Mudcake with raspberries, blueberries and
powdered sugar on top.

Mint chocolate cake with grated chocolate.
I think it was for someone's birthday...

Chocolate muffins!!! With chocolate inside
that coated my entire mouth. A bit annoying to eat

Brownie muffins! The upper layer was quite...
liquid. And the brownie part absolved it all.
Oh well, It was still tasty

SpoOkY brownie cake for 2023 Halloween!
With little candies on top. I'm proud of the

Lemon muffins I made cuz I had excess
lemon juice on me. Vegan accidentally cuz I
didn't have eggs or milk